среда, 12 марта 2008 г.

My emotional reflection on the courses

Attending courses every Monday,
It’s different world to all of us.
It’s way to think and change your mind,
And make creative your class.
It’s wonder, beauty, inspiration,
The birth of the new coming day.
It is the teachers’ motivation,
Just magic dream and kind ray.
It is community of minds,
The ways creating your dream.
It’s planet of fantastic flights
Just leading to the bright theme.
Enjoying it the sun is smiling,
Presenting us with gentle days.
The birds are from the south flying,
And we are striving for success.
It’s tender night outside,
And now I’m deep in thought.
The sky is bringing starry light
And leading me to dreamy world.
And let your dreams come true, my dear,
Reviving life of your day.
I think it is a good idea,
Your soul’s vivid, bright ray.


2 комментария:

Natalia комментирует...

This is the most beautiful reflection on TD ESP course that could ever be imagined. It's so inspiring and rewarding for us, facilitators.
Thank you very much.

Yulia Ch комментирует...

Just amazed with your talent. You've created an ideal picture - the sunshine, the sky and a dreaming teacher on the foreground, identifying her own success with achievements of her class.