пятница, 7 марта 2008 г.

About myself

Dear colleagues, let me introduce myself. My name is Tamara Albertovna Sarkisyan and I graduated from Gorky State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages in 1987.
On this snowy springcoming day I'm glad to greet all of you. Accept my congratulations on the International Women's Day. It's really great to anticipate lovely sunny days when the trees are in full blossom. Isn't it fascinating when nature is awakening from its long tiring sleep and you can hope to enjoy it's amazing minutes full of life and joy.
And like spring, our souls and minds are also awaking to change their familiar world. I believe, all of us are taking pains to improve the teaching methods, but now it is really realizable. No doubt, there are a lot of problems to solve and different aims to achieve. As for me, I am working with future cadaster engineers, lanscape architects, industrial engineers and specialists in social and cultural service and tourism. In addition to this, I participate in the programme" An Interpreter in the sphere of professional communication". Doing this creative and amazing job, I think that my main aim is to teach students to communicate and interact in their general and special fields. of course, it's not an easy matter, I should say. And there are some reasons for that. First of all, some of the students are very lazy and they want to achieve success taking no pains. Secondly, modern students are not very healthy and it also presents a difficulty.
One of the most burning issues for me is to find the most effective ways of teaching to create more meaningful and creative tasks which reflect the needs of the learner. I'm striving to create a new sample of a lesson so that students could feel free and get carried away working with joy and enthusiasm. So, it's the most important to give zest to the lessons. Of course, attending the courses we are trying to do that. All in all, these are the issues to deal with.

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